Time Rhymes
I don’t want to steal another’s stories but
I do want to have the courage to tell my own
in the lines between the inbetweens of time
and rhyme like
would you believe me if I told you I once
witnessed a miracle
would you believe me if I told you I have loved
with everything I had
for as long as I can remember
would you believe me that it has never been enough
would you believe me that I’ve never felt like
I could do anything except write
out words in lines
and rhyme
the inbetweens of time don’t matter
like the stories are actually the
threads that tie us together
like there is some poetry in knowing
my stories are my own
your stories are your
we are not fully grown
we cannot own much
except the lines of our palms
the sand in our shoes the
stain on our shirt
the weight of the world
the wrinkle in time
the reason or rhyme
the inbetweens of time
your story
would you believe me if I said that
under flesh and bones and blood and
the weight of the family stone
I’m still unable to name myself out
in a crowd
couldn’t pick myself out in a room
in a game of roulette I’d
pull the trigger too soon
sacrifice my dreams
imagine a different scene
believe in reincarnation
we are not fully grown
there isn’t much we own
between maps creasing and
breath ceasing
we are just words and poems
ideas flowing like
paper boats floating out
into the sea
would you believe me if I said
I wanted to be a writer more than
I ever wanted to be alive
that my words are all I hope to leave behind
that I’m chasing belief I’ll never find
that if I could I’d rewind
reset the time
just really have enough time
to have the courage to tell
the stories I might claim as mine
this time